#1 Rated Physical Therapy in Westwood NJ
Physical Therapy servicing Westwood, NJ is a healthcare specialty that includes the evaluation, assessment, and treatment of individuals with limitations in functional mobility. PT is appropriate for many types of patients, from infants born with musculoskeletal birth defects to adults suffering from sciatica or the after-effects of injury or surgery.
- Manual Therapy
- Joint/Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Post-Operative Rehabilitation
- Cold Laser
- Electric Stimulation
- Therapeutic Exercises
Our Bergen County, NJ physical therapy location is currently open and taking new patients in Westwood NJ.
We offer one-on-one, individualized evaluations, and treatments for residents of Westwood, NJ, performed by a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, designed to meet the needs and expectations of our patients. We will give you the tools you need to get better and stay better.